

works / endless rain

loading… Endless rain, a long-form generative animated series by Julien Labat on fx(hash)
Endless Rain #0

Animated generative series
150 editions

Endless rain is first and foremost an emotional and atmospheric piece. It tries to capture a feeling using only what is needed.


digital impressionism

Everything on the screen is just square-shaped raindrops. Primitive digital shapes mimicking pointillism's repetitive gestures.

It's a deluge of pixels revealing a part of the world, only to keep most of it into darkness.

The evasiveness of the shapes is created by the movement, but the shapes would not exactly exist without the movement.

Which is a lovely idea to spend some time with, but unfortunately produces pretty bad still images.

loading… Endless Rain #6 by Julien Labat on fx(hash)
#6 (?)
#6 (!)

See the full collection on fx(hash)